Earlier this week Aleksander Govor, the owner of Russian fast food chain Vkusno i Tochka, announced that since his company took over from McDonalds in Russia following the US chain’s decision to leave the Russian market, it has outperformed the original.

According to Govor, Vkusno i Tochka, which translates to “Just Tasty,” has served over 500 million visitors through the previous year. He noted the chain is planning to open an additional 50 more locations by the end of the current year, as well as to expand the chain’s operations to remote cities where the previous operator had been unable to extend operations into.

Speaking at a press conference he called to celebrate the first anniversary of the rebranded chain, Govor said, “At of the end of May 2023, our share among the three major fast-food players amounted to 58%. This exceeds the best performance of our predecessor [McDonald’s] and the combined share of our two main competitors [Burger King and KFC].”

He added these impressive accomplishments were accomplished thanks to the rapid refurbishment of the chain’s menu and essential services.

In March of 2022, McDonalds decided to end its operations in Russia following intense political pressure from Western governments after Russia launched its special military operation in neighboring Ukraine. By June of 2022, local licensee Aleksander Govor, had purchased all of the company’s outlets, and renamed the chain Vkusno i Tochka, as part of a plan to completely rebrand it.

More than 80 outlets have been rebranded throughout the country over the past year, as the new operation has served over 400 million burgers and 200 million servings of fries. The company sees 1.8 million visitors pass through its outlets each day.

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